Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sneeze III

On the other hand, shouldn't there be SOME sort of distinction between a "blog" like mine, or one where a panda sneezes, and something like Maud Newton's? I mean, isn't there a difference so profound as to call for a different word? Or am I crazy? To give Richard Ford credit, there are lots of "blogs" like mine where people just run off at the mouth, or a panda sneezes, so who can blame him for being upset and nervous? There's a commenter here who invites Mr. Ford to join the 21st century, but I mean, we're all in the 21st century, it's not a club we need permission, or an "iPod," to enter! (See what I mean? Running off at the mouth. All I'm trying to say is that Mr. Ford needs no one's permission for anything.) But I think if we came up with different words for different kinds of "blogs," everyone would relax and be happy and welcome the new dawn of computer blah blah blah okay I can't seriously write about what a "blog" is ever again anymore, it's over, do you hear me? I think we're all just doing the very best we can. Well, I'm not, but I'm sure most people are.