Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It Pains Me
WARNING: If you are sick of me advertising my readings, please skip this "post" and read about the interesting chimp who has been on Jeff McNeil's mind these days. Okay. It pains me to bring this up again, but I am forced to mention my Saturday night reading at A Cappella Books (where I had the confusing and tingly experience of actually watching Bruce Springsteen shop for books yesterday! I'm NOT kidding!!! In fact, I saw Glen from A Cappella at the coffee shop this morning and told him I had spied Mr. Springsteen in his place the evening before. Glen, seemingly unsurprised, said, "Oh. Yeah," in the most bored voice imaginable. He's unflappable, that one). See, though, I've been telling a lot of people "7:30" lately. Something has broken in my brain. In fact, I can think of two people to whom I said "7:30" just this evening. But the fact is, the reading is at 7, as I originally and accurately "blogged." Sorry!