Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Evil Robot Recommends

I must tell you there are now lots of "posts" - even more than I alerted you to before - about the Kentucky Derby over on Jamie Allen's "blog." And though the "Blogspot" people are making it rough for me to get anything through, because they believe I am an evil robot, I thought I owed it to you to give you an update. That's how much I care about you, the "blog" reader! To get the full Kentucky Derby report, start with this Jamie Allen "post" ("click" here) and keep going down the list until you hit this one ("click" here). Or I suppose you could do it chronologically and start with the latter, working your way back to the former, but given the way that "blogs" are set up, that seems harder. And I just want you to relax and have a nice time! Would an evil robot say that? Of course he would, if he were trying to fool you!