We know you have all missed our only regular feature with a super classy name: "The Subject Was Apples." Well, dry your bitter tears. McNeil has a new camera phone and we are back on track... with a few caveats. First, from McNeil: "It's not the same apple, I'm sure. It's been too long between working phones for me to find the right one. This one will have to be the new darling." A painful compromise! Second, we are not botanists or special effects artists, nor are we capable of anything, really, but this photo looks suspicious to us. The apple is too perfect! And the way it floats there... almost Magritte-ish. Has this apple been digitally enhanced? There is no way to tell. Is it authentic? We have McNeil's word for it and that's all we have. Such is the nature of reality in our strange modern world of today!